Birm flter media

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Volume 28.3 L

Real density 2,0 kg/dm³

Effective bead size 0,64–0,72 mm

Bulk density 2,7 kg/dm³

Particles size 0,43–2,0 mm

Linear filtering speed 8,5–12 m/h

Birm® flter media  (EN), KAINA BE PVM: 113.22314, KODAS: A8006 | 001

Birm® is a granular filter media for the purification of water from soluble iron and manganese compounds.

The Birm® filter media can be used in both pressure and non-pressure water supply systems.


  • Еffective method of iron reduction
  • Low operating costs
  • Long service life
  • Wide range of treated water temperature
  • Light weight of the material reduces water consumption during backwash


Technical characteristics

  • Color - black
  • Bulk density - 0,64–0,72 kg/dm³
  • Real density- 2,0 kg/dm³
  • Effective bead size - 0,48 mm
  • Uniformity coefficient- 2,7
  • Particles size - 0,43–2,0 mm

Operating conditions

  • Bed depth - 760–900 mm
  • Freeboard - min. 50% of bed depth
  • Linear fitering speed- 8,5–12 m/h
  • Service flow rate - 8.5...12 m/h
  • Backwash rate- 25–29 m/h
  • Backwash bed expansion - 20...40% of bed depth (min.)

How it works

Birm acts as a catalyst accelerating the oxidation reaction of Fe2+ to Fe3+ with oxygen dissolved in the water. As a result of the following hydrolysis, insoluble residue Fe(OH)3 is formed, which is removed from the water by filtration.

Removal of the residue filtered in the operating mode from the layer of the media is performed during backwash.
